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Kevin, thanks for another informative article. Regarding the Juneteenth hoilday, it accurately reflects my lack of knowledge and ignorance about its history and more. I became curious about the holiday when I asked my grandchildren yesterday why they were getting a day off, especially since the heat wave seemed a good reason for time off from school. They gave me their classroom explanation and understanding, and I listened and decided I should do my own research, so your article was timely. I have read and reread Major Granger's proclamation regarding freedom for slaves. Good grief, it is enough to boil my blood. I can assure you my grands didn't have that reference reinforcing your questioning what is in the history books masking as truth and what has glaringly been left out. What other history has been lacquered with a similar veneer? As parents and grandparents, we must support our children in searching for the truth for truth's sake and because our democracy is under assault. Thank you, Kevin, for being a truth-teller.

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