As I've often said, Fasten your seatbelts folks! We are in for some turbulence ahead. Our do-nothing Congress (thank you MAGA RINOs) will insure that our nation's fabric will unravel leaving key legislation to smolder when a spark from a wildfire filters through a window and onto the sacred floor and hallways of Democracy. I am angry as hell, at times despondent and occasionally fearful of those with all of the big guns. Keep writing Kevin.

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We need to fight back the MAGA-plague relentlessly however we can. It's been years since I have been at a mass protest, but look what Israelis are doing to protest the attempt by the right wing to strip their version of the supreme court of its role...inspiring. We need to: at minimum vote , next work to get others to vote, and then turn out when the oppty presents itself to express ourselves...but be somewhere on that continuum -- don't sit and moan on the sidelines, folks. Or we won't have a country anymore, to steal an ironic phrase from the fascist-in-chief.

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