A Big Middle Finger to to SCOTUS...Cheney's Rectitude, and Competent Government Avoids a Potentially Damaging Strike
Judge Chutkan unseals Jack Smith’s filing in January 6 case
After the Supreme Court’s stunning — and universally panned — decision on presidential immunity in performance of (poorly defined) “official acts,” Jack Smith went back to work revising his case to one in which he seeks to prosecute Trump for his conspiratorial actions as a candidate (not as President). It had seemed that by delaying its consideration by more than nine months, and then proclaiming wide-ranging immunity (that we never knew was needed in the nearly 250 years before Trump came along), the overtly political Republican judges had shielded Trump.
It appeared that the public would not be able to see this case argued in court before the election, and thus be denied critical information (i.e., did your former President, and current candidate, lead an attempted coup d’etat?).
But Smith’s team quickly revised its case to include only acts that it argues were not official acts. As the New York Times explains, “…The brief from the prosecution team led by the special counsel, Jack Smith, asserts that there is ample evidence that Mr. Trump’s efforts to remain in office were those of a desperate losing candidate rather than official acts of a president that would be considered immune from prosecution under a landmark Supreme Court ruling this summer.” (Judge Unseals New Evidence in Federal Election Case Against Trump).
Smith asked the judge to unseal it, and she did. Trump and his allies are making it a big deal that releasing these details public five weeks before the election is a blatant ploy to damage his candidacy.1 I say, “BS!! It’s only coming out at this late date because of Trump’s delay, delay, delay legal machinations and the Supreme Court’s complicity in that delay.
Smith and Chutkan have done a great service in giving voters access to information they should be considering…and if it looks like extending a big middle finger to Chief Justice Roberts and his scowling band of Republican flacks, all the better!
Kudos to Liz Cheney — and two dozen WI Republicans

I tell you, I have never voted for a Democrat. But this year, I am proudly casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris
I am sure we would agree on VERY LITTLE policy-wise...but she has my greatest respect and thanks for her honesty, commitment. and courage. She makes the vast majority of those in her (former) party look very small. Here’s some of what she said:
I was a Republican even-before Donald Trump started spray tanning. I am a Ronald Reagan conservative…Above all else, I know that the most conservative of conservative values is fidelity to our Constitution. I tell you, I have never voted for a Democrat. But this year, I am proudly casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris…In this election, a broad coalition has come together to support Vice President Kamala Harris. Now, we may disagree on some things, but we are bound together by the one thing that matters to us as Americans more than any other, and that's our duty to our Constitution and our belief in the miracle and the blessing of this incredible nation… So, today I ask all of you here and everyone listening across this great country to join us. I ask you to meet this moment. I ask you to stand in truth to reject the depraved cruelty of Donald Trump. And I ask you instead to help us elect Kamala Harris as President…
Hours earlier two dozen Wisconsin Republicans, including former lawmakers, other former elected officials and a GOP sitting district attorney, have signed an open letter declaring their support for Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris in her campaign for president and condemning the Republican nominee former President Donald Trump. The letter said:
“We, the undersigned, are Republicans from across Wisconsin who bring the same message: Donald Trump does not align with Wisconsin values. To ensure our democracy and our economy remain strong for another four years, we must elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to the White House.”
It’s noteworthy that these folks stepped forward. Given MAGA’s evolution, they are literally risking their lives, not just their political careers and ambitions.
Think about that…Risking. Their. Lives.
What does that say about the MAGA true believers?
Longshoreman’s Strike Averted
A couple of days ago it looked like both our progress bringing down inflation and the robust job market were at risk due to a dock workers strike affecting all large east coast ports. In short order that would lead to serious bottlenecks and shortages). Today, we learn that this has been averted, thanks to the good sense of the union and the members of the U.S. Maritime Alliance (the shipping companies). But it did not just serendipitously happen. The WAPO describes the key role played by members of the Biden team, at his direction (How Biden helped end a port strike that threatened Democrats in November).
Don’t take competent, public-spirited civil servants for granted. We sure as hell won’t have them in Trump administration.
There really is not much information about the broad outlines of the many strands of this plot that have not already been available to anyone who wanted to follow the facts as they have been reported. But there is more granular detail drawn from witnesses that refused to go before the J6 committee.
Isn't it interesting how ANY Republican or conservative, without regard to the depths of hatred they were held in by Democrats for years or even decades, can be baptized and absolved of their past sins by merely worshipping and prostrating themselves before Kamala?
I am amazed at the absolute lack of self-awareness among Democrats and other creatures of the left.