Dear Reader,
Thank you for subscribing to Out-Takes and Sidebars. In signing up you signaled some interest in the topics I write about, and hopefully, in the writing itself.
I greatly appreciate your ongoing patronage, and take my responsibility to provide factual and informative material seriously…of course, with a point of view that I would be unable to camouflage even if I wanted to.
I do this for a couple of reasons. Admittedly, I like to write and express opinion (hopefully, informed opinion), and producing the blog scratches that itch.
But I also do it because, as an aging Boomer I’d like to play whatever role I can in passing along a better and fairer world to those following us…and I don’t see current events and trends going the right direction. My hope with this blog is to help in a small way – by educating, getting people to think, and maybe motivating them to do what THEY can to address our many social and political challenges.
I’d like to share a note on my approach to the material I produce.
First, I do my best to ensure that the “facts” I share are indeed real, not “alternative,” and not cherry-picked or presented out of context.
And I include a lot of links to external material. I do that for a couple of reasons…
So you can check my sources…are they reliable in this age of disinformation?
So you can delve more deeply into the subject matter I have raised if you wish to.
I encourage you to probe those links…they include lots of good stuff.
And now, I have a favor to ask. If indeed you appreciate my writing, and think it offers facts and/or a point of view you find of value, perhaps you would lend a hand to help me build my audience. You can do that by sharing a post that caught your interest and recommending it on Facebook or other social media….or by forwarding it via email to someone you think may similarly find it of value.
If you are so inclined, you could send my entire archive since beginning to produce this blog this summer, with this link:
Once again, thank you for taking the time to read this blog, and for any assistance in helping me to build an audience.
Kevin McDonald