Here’s what the new Speaker of the House – described as an evangelical Christian nationalist – said in his first address to the body:
“The Bible is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you, all of us. And I believe that God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here for this specific moment.”
Get ready to have God’s will revealed to us by Speaker Johnson…some history shows us what he thinks God’s will is…and you can be damned sure it will be conflated with the Lord’s will.
Wants Trump back…tried to keep him there with some flimsy rationale – i.e, states changed voting procedures during COVID without their legislatures’ say-so, so regardless of the vote count, you can throw out the results as “unconstitutional”.
Wants a nationwide abortion ban, with NO EXCEPTIONS for rape, incest.
Is an enemy of same-sex marriage and may wish to criminalize gay sex.
Doesn’t want to help Ukraine fight off authoritarian fascism (why would he? He wants it here in the US?)
Perhaps most galling to me was Johnson’s reaction - indeed, his entire caucus’s reaction - to a reporter asking him if he is still an election denier. Not only did the smug nerd fail to answer Rachel Scott’s question, simply smiling coyly and shaking his head, but the rest of the caucus laughed at her and told her to “shut up.”
REALLY. These are the people that our fellow Americans sent to Congress….and who want to foist their views on all of us, elections be damned.
18 Killed in Lewiston, Maine Bowling Alley and Bar & Grill
An Army reservist apparently suffering from mental health issues walked into two establishments and fired his AR-15, killing 18 and wounding 13 others. Sadly, this is all-too-commonplace in America today. I’m sure we’ll hear from (Republican) politicians about the scourge of mental health problems and they’ll offer up their thoughts and prayers.
They’ll act as if troubled individuals are unique to America, and it’s a mental health epidemic rather than a gun epidemic that leads to these episodes of carnage. When they do, think of the images below.
…Imitated by perhaps the dumbest member of Congress and her family in THEIR 2021 Family Christmas greeting…
God help us is right🤬