Until recently I have avoided directly seeking conversations with Trump supporters. Last week I broke that “rule,” in some cases because the canvassing I volunteered for put me into the situation of occasionally knocking on a door where at least one occupant was a Trumper. In other cases, by my choice.
Here’s how it went…
“I was a huge fan of ‘The Apprentice,’ and I loved his Macy’s clothing line”
The couple was standing on a corner on Market St. in Frederick, MD, displaying a TRUMP sign to the passing motorists. He was in his early thirties and she thereabouts as well. When I told my wife we should cross the street she had an inkling of what I was contemplating and attempted to talk me out of it. I chuckled and suggested that she could continue on to one of her favored shops and I’d catch up shortly; she did. I approached the couple.
Me: Hello…can I ask you what appeals to you about Mr. Trump, why you are supporting him?
Trump supporter: Well, I’m from New York, and I’m 31, and I have followed him for years. I loved “The Apprentice,” and I loved the line of clothing he had at Macy’s.
Me: (Incredulously) You loved “The Apprentice” — and his clothing line. How does that qualify him for the job of President?
Then I went on: “So how do you like his vulgarity? His racism? His incoherence in recent speeches?” The kid said he liked the vulgarity — “he tells it like it is.”
He challenged me on the racism part, not willing to acknowledge it. I pointed out Trump’s language about “shithole countries,” and immigrants as “vermin…poisoning the blood of our country,” and his mass deportation threats.
Seems he was a fan of all that, too. “I want to get rid of illegals,” he replied.
So I moved on the “the incoherence,” giving the example of Trump’s inexplicable performance at a town hall event in which he halted questions and substituted 40 minutes of swaying to the music.
Trump supporter: Well, dancing is good.
…At that point a passing woman gently grabbed my arm, and said, “Don’t waste your time trying to talk sense with these people.”
Having had enough, I took her advice.
The Young Guy with the Poster Inviting Folks to a “Rally” at Republican Headquarters in Adams County, PA
Earlier in the week I had just walked out of our Gettysburg Post Office and saw a young man (late twenties/early thirties?) on the corner with the TRUMP and “rally” signs. I decided to approach him, posing as an undecided voter leaning toward Trump, but troubled about some recent behavior…
Me: Hi, I kinda liked Trump in the past, but now I am still trying to decide. Maybe you can help me. What is it you see in Mr. Trump that gets you out here to support him?
Trump kid: He will bring the country together. We’re very divided. He’ll bring us together.
Me: Hmmm…that didn’t happen the last time…and now he’s calling everyone who doesn’t support him “the enemy within” and lots of other names. Do you really think that will bring us together?
Trump kid: Well, remember, he had all these people calling him a Russian agent, and then trying to impeach him.
Me: Well, I’m not sure, but it seems to me that his call to Zelensky conditioning military aid to Zelensky’s help in manufacturing dirt on his political opponent might have deserved that?
Trump kid: There was no quid pro quo…
Me: OK, let me move on to another concern I have. He has been seeming kinda incoherent and rambling in his recent speeches. Is he getting too old? Maybe losing it? Did you see what he did last week, cutting off the rally and swaying to the music?
Trump kid: Well, he’s been under a lot of pressure…
Me: Isn’t “pressure” inherent in the job of President of the United States?
At that point, or shortly after, he figured out the game I was playing and wished me a good day.
The Dad of the “20-yr-old F-Independent” on my canvassing list
Here’s the scene…
I am out in the countryside in rural Adams county — Littlestown, PA, to be exact. No answer to the doorbell, so I left my literature and started back down the driveway when a car pulls in. As the occupants get out of the car I see a 50-ish man wearing a TRUMP baseball cap and a young blond woman. I introduce myself (name, and status as a Harris campaign volunteer) and say that “Kylee is on my list to talk to…Do you have a minute?”
“Dad” tells me “no need” and the young woman asks, laughing incredulously, “I am on your list?” and declines. Before walking away, however…
Me: Sir, can I just ask what it is you see in Trump?
Dad: A leader.
Me: So in that “leader,” is it the vulgarity, or the racism, or the recent incoherence that you find most appealing?
Dad: Whaddaya mean racism? What racism?
Me: The way he talks about “shithole countries,” and immigrants as “vermin.”
And what about January 6? You on board with that?
Dad: Well that wasn’t the smartest move…Lemme ask you…if I told you to go jump off that roof, would you do it?
(This reply obviously had nothing to do with my question, but I figured it was a diversion to blame Trump’s followers for the mayhem, and absolve the guy who told them to do it.)
Me: No I wouldn’t…But his crowd did, didn’t they…and I bet you would, too.
With that, I was on my way, and out of earshot of his muttering.
The Non-Vaccinated —and Proud of it! — 40-ish Lady
One of the next people on my canvassing list was a 40-something woman registered as a Democrat. Again, there was no answer at the door, but as I turned to leave a couple of cars pulled into the driveway. Three women got out of one, and in the other vehicle was a burly white guy and another woman. Again I introduced myself and my purpose, asking for the person on my list. One of them spoke up, said she was going to be voting for Trump. Then she asked me, “How many Covid shots you had?” I responded that I had lost track, but probably three or four.
She blurted out, “I’ve had none, and I’m fine, you (expletive deleted) liberal.”
As I turned away in disgust, she says, “I’m sorry, I’ve had too much to drink today, and had to get a ride home.” Before I got too far, the burly guy joined in.
Burly guy: What do you think of gas prices?
Me: They’ve been dropping for awhile now…actually they’re pretty reasonable.
Burly guy: Bought groceries recently?
Me: Yes, and you’re right, but inflation is down now…besides that, this was a world-wide phenomenon brought on by shortages during Covid, and our country did better on inflation than most.
With that, realizing this discussion was never going to become more reasoned and substantive, I turned and left, again not hearing whatever it was he was grunting.
…They’re into FEELINGS, not facts
I’m not sure I would recommend starting up these conversations with random Trump supporters. But for me it’s an itch I had to scratch.
It’s unfortunate we are not having more of these conversations because we DO need to have such dialogue. But for it to be productive there has to be both good faith and a willingness to agree on a common set of facts. From there, we could debate both what those facts mean, and what actions or policies they should prompt.
But at the risk of generalizing unfairly (though I don’t think I am) Trump supporters are into FEELINGS, not facts.
Kev: My take is that many MAGA types enjoy the dopamine of resentment...and thus they identify with Trump's anger... It's gut-deep feel-good formerly buried rage... They want things different... But different from what? I would figure that most aren't in the stock market. That most don't have the advantages of a college degree. I get supermarket inflation. That's real. But it's more than that. I do think they want a kind of white people's return to the past and they fear it's impossible to achieve... Which amps up their resentment further... TV shows a diverse society and the commercials show them how upper middle classes live. And thus how bilious-sweet for so many to blame immigrants and to vote against an upper middle class person of color and a woman to boot... It's like the old promise of working hard to do well hasn't panned out enough...and they are hearing their own frustration in Trump's fury... I get their desperation in a way, but I am flabbergasted by their willingness -- their need? -- to believe in the outrageous lies...